Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Backchanneling with Middle Schoolers

In this article by Michael Mills, backchanneling was used in the classroom as a way for students to discuss their thoughts and important concepts about themes and motives using a secured discussion board website called TodaysMeet. Backchanneling is defined as a streaming conversation-public or private- that you and your students can have while another activity is going on. The article highlights the fact that students are able to share their thoughts and ideas without having to wait to be called on. Due to the fact that the students are under pseudonyms, the students who are shy are able to discuss what they are thinking and also defend and argue their viewpoints. This tool meets the ISTE Standard that requires students to be able to use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. I like that students are able to say what they are thinking and write down the idea before they forget it. It also allows that anonymity from their classmates so that they aren't afraid of what everyone else would say for their opinion. I think this is great for Language Arts and History classes.

Mills, M., (2014). Backchanneling with middle schoolers. Learning & Leading with Technology. 41(4). 30-31.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great idea for classroom. I have always been the shy one in the classroom, and know that when speaking in front of class can be scary and intimidating. Therefore, backchanneling is a great concept for the shy kids to write what they are thinking without being too afraid.
